
2004年1月Cineplex杂志—Chris Pine的采访

这一次,他并不是去往无前人所至之地。但作为继Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford和Ben Affleck之后,在Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit之中扮演CIA特工JR的经典一角的ChrisPine,相较于他另一个英雄角色Kirk舰长而言,他这次扮演的是脑力型动作英雄。

This time, he’s not exactly going where noman has gone before. But as Chris Pine follows Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford andBen Affleck into CIA operative Jack Ryan’s well-worn shoes for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit he comparesplaying this brainy action hero to his other franchise hero, Captain Kirk.

称他为尘封的经典角色拯救者吧。起初Chris Pine作为标志性的Kirk舰长在重启的ST里两度开启航程。而今他在JR里化身为TC笔下新一代的从分析员转型到动作英雄的大受欢迎的CIA特工。派拉蒙作为两部系列电影的东家,显然想要在接下来的几年中继续与Chris Pine合作。

Call him the Saviour of Stalled Franchises.First Chris Pine rejuvenated Star Trekwith two voyages as the iconic Captain Kirk. Now he’s the new incarnation ofTom Clancy’s popular CIA analyst-turned-action hero in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Paramount, the home of both series,clearly wants to be in the Chris Pine business for years to come.

在最近的一次采访中,Pine谦逊有礼地分享了这份赞扬。“我真的只是很幸运,能有机会出演这么多棒极了的好故事,还能与那些我所尊敬的人们一同共事。在那些媒介和超棒的合作者中间有你所能期待的一切,因为这真是团队努力的成果。能与像Ryan的KennethBranagh和Star Trek的J.J. Abrams这样的导演共事是我的荣幸。”Pine将他的贡献视为“为经典角色带来新色彩。”In a recent interview, Pine graciously shared the credit. “I’vejust been really lucky in that I’ve been offered there great stories to tell,and to be surrounded by people I respect. That’s really all you can hope for inthis medium, good collaborators, because it really is a team effort. It’s aprivilege to be teamed with [directors] like Kenneth Branagh for Ryan and J.J. Abrams for Star Trek.” Pine sees his contributionas bringing “whatever new colours I have to these franchises.”

好吧,他做到了。在2006年的TV电影Surrender, Dorothy中他戴了顶齐耳假发,穿上旗袍,扮演了Tom Everett Scott的异装癖同性爱人。而在Smokin’ Aces里他又成了个满身刺青,一头乱发,疯子一样的新纳粹主义者杀手。之后,他在加州的红酒乡村传说Bottle Shock中扮演了一位最终以自制雪当利葡萄酒赢得了法国最负盛名的酒类比赛冠军的乡下酿酒人。而在迪士尼的Princess Diaries 2: RoyalEngagement中他成为了追求Anne Hathaway企图以此窃取她的国家的傲慢贵族。

He’s got hues, all right. In the 2006 TVmovie Surrender, Dorothy he donned apageboy wig and Chinese brocade dress to play Tom Everett Scott’scross-dressing gay lover. He was a tattooed, chop-haired, psychotic neo-Nazisurfer/assassin in Smokin’ Aces. Inthe California wine country saga BottleShock, he played a hick vintner whose Chardonnay wins France’s mostprestigious wine competition. And in the Disney comedy Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, he schemed as an arrogantnobleman wooing Anne Hathaway to steal her kingdom.

Pine成长于洛杉矶,他的家族根植于好莱坞。他的父母都是电视演员。他的外祖母Anne Gwynne是一位B级片影星,在40年代的环球恐怖电影中深受欢迎的尖叫者,而他的外祖父是位与娱乐业联系甚密的律师。帮助撰写了2009ST脚本的编剧导演Alex Kurtzman认为Pine是个无需机械式或爆发式表演就能带给惊喜的演员。在Trek拍摄期间,他很欣赏Pine对Krik的设定性格的利用和理解方式,而非趋于模仿William Shatner的表演。下一年中,他看着Pine在舞台上出演了过去十年中最为滑稽和惊奇的舞台剧,Martin McDonagh’的TheLieutenant of Inishmore。

Pine grew up in Los Angeles in a familywith deep roots in Hollywood. Both his parents were television actors. Hismaternal grandmother was B-movie star Anne Gwynne, afavourite screamer in 1940s Universal horror films, and his grandfather was awell-connected entertainment lawyer. Writer-director Alex Kurtzman, whoco-wrote the 2009 Star Trek reboot,see Pine as an actor with surprising range who doesn’t need robots orexplosions as a backdrop. On the Trekset he appreciated the understanding way Pine drew on Kirk’s established traitswithout verging on a William Shatner impersonation. The next year he saw Pineon stage in one of the funniest and most outrageous plays of the last decade,Martin McDonagh’s TheLieutenant ofInishmore.

Pine在这部可怖荒谬的喜剧中担当主角,出演了爱尔兰恐怖分子Mad Padriac,一个爱上了自己的猫咪Wee Thomas的冷酷无情虐待狂。这个角色与他的电影工作简直是180度大转弯,也为他挣得了2010年L.A.戏剧评论家循环奖。

The gruesomely absurd comedy starred Pineas Irish terrorist Mad Padriac, a ruthless sadist who is in love with his catWee Thomas. It was a wild, broad role 180 degrees from his film work, and itearned his the 2010 L.A. Drama Critics Circle Award.

被他的多才多艺和将如此挑战性人物扮演得如此真实的才能所折服,Kurtzman邀请Pine出演了自己的家庭剧People Like Us,扮演一个有缺陷的英雄。在Movies.com的采访中,导演是这么评价Pine的,“现在很少有那种纯爷们儿一样的美国演员了。Chris是个爷们儿。他是个男人中的男人。但当你看进他的眼中,那儿是个10岁的小男孩儿。”集男子气概和年轻活力于一身或许解释了为何现年33岁的Pine能够吸引如此引人注目的男孩式的冒险角色。

Impressed by his versatility and hisability to make challenging characters feel truthful, Kurtzman cast Pine as theflawed hero of his family drama PeopleLike Us. In an interview with Movies.com the director said of Pine, “Thereare very few American actors who are real man. Chris is a guy. He’s a guy’sguy. But when you look in his eyes, there’s a 10-year-old boy.” That blend ofmachismo and youthful liveliness may explain why Pine, now 33, attractshigh-profile boys’s adventure roles.

举个恰当的例子:Jack Ryan间谍系列已经停歇了十年不止。Shadow Recruit是第五部受Clancy广为流传的间谍小说启发而生的电影,而Pine则是第四任演出Ryan的演员。Alec Baldwin在1990年的The Hunt for Red October中创造了这个角色,将Ryan塑造成了一位杰出机敏的年轻精英。Harrison Ford则在Patriot Games(1992)和Clear and Present Danger(1994)中对这个角色作出了一番较为刻板的、别让我发飙的演绎。颠覆了年龄增长的过程,Ben Affleck在2002年的The Sum of All Fears中继承了这个角色,让Ryan成为了一位轻浮的信息极客,似乎是自乔治亚城的兄弟会游荡进了CIA的作战室。Shadow Recruit是一个并未以Clancy小说为蓝本的原创故事。一个退伍特工(Kevin Costner)征召了Pine这个不情愿的、文书本职的新手去监督一个俄罗斯富豪(Banagh,一口邪恶口音,担任了电影导演和大恶棍角色的双重职责。)这位文雅的独裁者图谋破坏Ryan与其未婚妻(Keira Knightley,对他的间谍工作一无所知)的关系和毁灭美国经济(明显与以往所达到的成就不同。)暗示有汽车追逐战和倾斜的直升机大战。一个未曾经受测试的办公桌白领能够反败为胜吗?James T. Kirk喜欢绿色姑娘们吗?

Case in point: the Jack Ryan spy series,dormant for more than a decade. ShadowRecruitis the fifthfilm inspired by Clancy’s wildly popular espionage novels, and Pine is thefourth star to play Ryan. Alec Baldwin Originated the role in 1990’s The Hunt for Red October, playing Ryanas a brilliantly intuitive young hotshot. Harrison Ford offered a starchy, don’t-make-me-madinterpretation in Patriot Games(1992)and Clear and Present Danger(1994).Reversing the aging process, Ben Affleck inherited the part in 2002’s The Sum of All Fears, making Ryan aflippant info-geek who seems to have wandered into the CIA war room from aGeorgetown frat house.

ShadowRecruit is an original story not base on a Clancynovel. A veteran agent(Kevin Costner) enlists Pine’s reluctant, report-readingrookie to monitor a Russian billionaire (Banagh, with a nefarious accent,pulling double duty as the film’s helmer and villain.) The suave oligarch plostto wreck Ryan’s relationship with his fiancée (KeiraKnightley, who knows nothing of his spy work) and devastate the U.Seconomy(not the achievement that once was, admittedly). Cue the car chases andcareening helicopters. Can an untested desk-jockey save the day? Does James T.Kirk have a thing for green girls?

新一代的Ryan,是那种聪明的普通人一类,性格相较于傲慢的星舰指挥官更为深思熟虑。Pine,作为在加州大学伯克利和英国利兹大学学习英国文学的人,将他的新角色称作“一个思想者间谍”与他本身的性格更为相近。“我与像他这样的人更有共鸣,在看书的时候更为舒适自得。”他这么解释道。Pine不止阅读剧本。他高度赞扬Jennifer Egan获得普利策奖的小说A Visit From the Goon Squad(“出乎我的意料”)和T.C.Bolye的短篇小说集(“他的想象力令人叹为观止”)。

The latest iteration of Ryan, a clevereveryman type, is a more thoughtful character than the brash shatshipcommander. Pine ,who studied English Literature at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley and the University of Leeds in the U.K., calls his newrole as “a thinking man’s spy” a closer fit to his own personality. “I do findmore resonance with a guy like him, who’s more comfortable behind a book.”Hemeans it. Pine reads more than screenplays. He has high praise for JenniferEgan’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel AVisit From the Goon Squad(“It blew my mind”) and the short stories ofT.C.Bolye (“His imagination is stunning”).

尽管Tom Clancy的技术恐怖小说可能不会博得Pine在文学方面的赞誉,他这样表示,“在扮演过Kirk这样用他的冲劲和激情领导船员的人之后,我享受扮演Jack Ryan。Ryan差不多是Kirk的对立面,更像是Spock,扮演这样的Ryan充满了乐趣。”

While Tom Clancy’s techno-thrillers mightnot top Pine’s literary his parade, he offers, ”I enjoyed playing Jack Ryanafter having played Kirk, who leads with his guy, with his impulsiveness, withhis passion. Playing Ryan, who is almost the opposite end of that spectrum,someone more like Spock, was a great amount of fum.”

没有Jason Bourne的战斗英勇或James Boned的道具工厂,Ryan得依靠他的大脑。“你想,‘我如何才能把握住这样的状况?’”Pine说道。“我喜欢他这种样子,在困境之中他也得思考如何逃出生天。他的机智就是他的武器。比Bond和Bourne更甚,我更能够与他引起共鸣。我想,这就是能够抓住观众的地方。”

Without Jason Bourne’s battle-hard-enedprowess or James Bond’s arsenal of gadget, Ryan has to rely on his brains. “Youthink, ‘How would I handle that situation?’” Pine says.”I like that he’saccessible in that way, that in a tight spot he has to think his way out of it.His wits are his weapon. More than Bond, more than Bourne, I can find myselfright there. That, I think, is what’s going to grab the audience.”

与Branagh这样有演出过大量戏剧、五次提名奥斯卡的著名演员共事,是个不可抵抗的卖点,Pine说道。不同于Abrams深入到了Star Trek电影的“视觉部分,小配件,服装,外表,甚至是调色”,“可以说,作为导演,Kenneth更像是跟我们大多数人一样的普通演员。这样就有点不一样的联系。我认为演员之间的有一些抽象的表达是大为有益的。”

Working with Branagh, a celebrated actorwith a vast theatrical resume and a five-time Oscar nominee, was anirresistible selling point, Pine says. Whereas Abrams was deeply engaged with “thevisual component, the gadgets, the costumes, the look, even the colour palette”of the Star Trek films, “there’ssomething to be said for a director like Kenneth who was a workaday actor likemost of us. There’s a different connection. There’s a shorthand speak betweenactors that I think is very helpful.”

Pine很快就要出演另一个标志性角色,在即将来临的改编自Stephen Sondheim音乐传说Into the Woods中扮演灰姑娘的白马王子。但是他垂涎这个角色是因为能让他步入任何一部文学作品都是个惊喜。

Pine will soon be seen in another iconicrole, playing Cinderella’s Prince Charming in the upcoming adaptation ofStephen Sondheim’s musical fable Into theWoods. But the role he’d covet if he could step in to any literary work isa surprise.

“我爱极了Mark Twain。实际上很可能会有一部关于Twain本人的伟大传记电影,”Pine说,“他性格很恶劣,又是个很有幽默感的男人。我肯定要看一看脚本。”

“I do love Mark Twain. Actually there’sprobably a great bio-pic to be done on Twain himself,” Pine says.”He was a hellof a character and a guy with a great sense of humour. I’d definitely take alook at that script.”


